Our travel itineraries
In order to help you prepare you futur travels or just to give you some idea, you will find here our travel itineraries. In addition to our itineraries, the road map below contains lots of other useful information.
To know more, just click on a point on the road map. You will then discover the detail of our journey, a brief about the city, some tips and some pictures...
You can also click on the "travel lines" on the road map. You will then have other information about the type of transport, the price and other tips.

How to prepare a travel itinerary?
We propose you our travel itineraries to give you some ideas. However, to organize an itinerary that corresponds to your desires, we invite you to discover our travel guides.
Discover the guidesSome useful websites to prepare a travel itinerary
Just below, you will find some websites which help us when we prepare a new itinerary:
- The Tourdumondiste website is a real source of information for the travelers
- The "Guide du Routard", offers some itineraries on its website, it is a good starting point
- The website "Conseils aux voyageurs" gives you some information about the rules and the risks in the country that you want to visit
- The "Planificateur à contresens" is a website which help you organize your travels