About ShowMeTheRoad
ShowMeTheRoad is a dream come true! We are both big travel lovers and so we decided to start a road trip around the world.
This project isn’t only a trip, it is above all a big change of lifestyle. It’s also an opportunity to learn, to share with different cultures, to open our mind and of course enjoy the life.
This blog will be our diary, where we’ll share with you our adventures. The purpose of ShowMeTheRoad est de partager avec vous mais également de mettre à votre disposition différentes informations que l’on juge utiles pour organiser un voyage. Nous allons donc partager avec vous nos itinéraires, nos coups de coeurs, les activités à faire dans chaque ville, des bons plans, nos budgets pour chaque pays et plein d’autres informations. Le but est que notre aventure puisse vous être utile ou vous donner l’envie de voyager !
Our project isn't fixed, for now we have planned to visit mostly Asia and America. But there is a good chance we won’t stop there because we left for an indefinite period.
After a first 7 months travelling in Asia, we stopped our travel due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We are now back on the road, this time on the American continent.
A question for ShowMeTheRoad ?
If you have any question about our adventures, our travel guides, our itineraries or for partnership offers don't hesitate to contact us.
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